I hate sweeping outside coz the bloody dried leaves keep falling and fallng, offering me no reprieves
I hate mopping coz the smooth clean floor never stays that way for long no matter what cleaner I pour
I hate dusting the house coz the dirt and the grime seem to take great pleasure in re-appearing time after time
I hate washing dishes coz after getting them clean and squeaky my poor hands bear the brunt of it, turning dry, pruney and wrinkly
I hate doing laundry coz despite having a washing machine I still need to iron and press, to keep the clothes looking pristine
I hate housework coz however frequent I wash, clean and dry the house gets so dirty so fast, in less than a blink of an eye
It is such a vicious cycle, a perpetual spinning wheel without an end, Will I be doomed forever? Or will Nirvana be just round the bend?!!
Footnote : While I admit, my participation in housework could be considered minimal, it doesn't mean I like it! With my Mum (and the part time maid along with her) taking a long leave of absence starting Thursday, it sure is going to be hell the next couple of weeks!
My music school, Music Makers, wants to raise the fees for my er-hu lessons from RM40 to a whopping RM70. That's like almost double! I am understandably miffed that my musical genius does not seem to impress the school enough for them to want to nurture my talent for free. I mean, everyone jumps in to sponsor geniuses don't they? Molly, the administrator, tried to reason with me by saying that my RM40 lesson was supposed to be for just half and hour. But my instructor, Mr. Lau, has been going over and above the call of duty ever since I started lessons by spending an hour or more with me every time. And I am apparently now a proud level 3 student, not a beginner anymore. Surely, I can understand that the situation calls for a significant increase in rates? While my brain is telling me this seems a reasonable statement, I can't help but sulk right now. Don't they recognize the fact that I may be performing in the Royal Albert Hall in the very near future?!!
Ultraman, a staunch advocate of Google, thinks that I can stop the lessons if I wanted to. He believes that you can learn anything just by YouTube nowadays. Said the same thing to me when I insisted on signing up for bread-making classes at Taylor's too. But can someone really learn and be good at something by just watching and re-watching videos on YouTube? While the Internet has definitely come a long way in dispersing knowledge and information, it just cannot interact with you in the way a human can. Can it stop me when I am not really doing the technique right ? Can it tell me whether I played a piece well? Can it tell me that I have played the note a little too short or a little too long? Can it tell me to why I should play slower or softer, or how to interpret certain parts of the music? Can it share with me it's experience in performing and how that felt like? This very fundamental process of communcation and sharing is still sorely lacking with an electronic teacher. Ánd the relationship works both ways too - would the Internet know how to appreciate a good student? Though of course, one obvious advantage with the Internet is that you can keep reviewing the information and replaying the videos hundreds, thousands of times - that will test the patience of a saint!
I guess I am still old-style. I still believe in a good human teacher. So, I guess I have to re-look at my budget again to see how to deal with the raised prices for my lessons. While Mr. Lau has won this round, it does make you wonder how soon we may be totally dependent on the Internet for everything... Food for thought?
By the way, my sister shared a Youtube video of the pianist Lang Lang and his dad doing a duet on the er-hu. My sister says his dad was a police officer. Bet you the dad did not learn to play this way by using the Internet! Lang Lang and his father at Carnegie Hall
"You shall bake me a cheesecake for my dear sister in celebration of her glorious birthday". So decreed Aza, goddess of I.T. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. This would be an arduous undertaking. “And it shall have lemon rind in it!” Aza continued, her voice already thick with longing. My head bowed down in acceptance of the mammoth task bequeathed upon me.
"You shall have three days to complete this task. Three days hence, I will arrive in my chariot, my new beloved Honda CRV, to pick up the cake. You must be ready with it...OR,face the consequences of my WRATH!" My steely gaze met her threatening one. In the vein of all great heroines, I refused to be cowed.
The next day, I set forth in search of the tools and ingredients that I will need for my task. First, I needed to get the magic 9 inch springform pan from my sister, the ruthless Layii. The magic pan helps with even baking and easy removal of the delicate cheesecake. It would definitely help in my task. However, though we shared the same bloodlines, Layii was merciless - only cold hard cash can appease her. But Layii and I had just survived flea market hell together. A hell which left me battered and bruised. And in that weakened state, I had summoned my remaining strength to perform more sales to get both of us out of the red. Thus comforted that I will not be turned away from my request, I initiated the sms ritual of contact to Layii.
”Sister Layii, lend me your magic pan so that I can complete my task for the goddess Aza…” The sms reply came fast and furious. “If I remember to bring it. And I get 10% cut….
In the end, our blood bond prevailed and Layii conjured up her magic pan. Now that I was armed with the right tools, my next step was to obtain the secret ingredients. Since obtaining the lore of baking through many trials past, I already knew where to go to harvest what I needed. Soon, I was ready to make the cake. I fired up the kiln and my hands took on a life of their own. With the recipe runes guiding me, I made my measurements. I encountered moments of anxiety - my cheap mixer groaned under the weight of beating 32 ounces of cream cheese. But I persevered – a heroine never gives up after all. Summoning all my skills, a creamy batter finally emerged before me. I poured the batter into the magic pan, whispered a soft prayer to the Baking God, and released everything to the will of the mighty hot kiln.
Alas, it was not to be! The terrifying “Crack-en”, beast of the cheesecakes, third cousin of the Kraken who got turned to stone by Perseus using Medusa’s head, reared its ugly head! Its huge monstrous maw struck a deep horrendous gorge in the cake.
Attack of the "Crack-en"
Despair struck me and I was about to surrender to its murky depths, when I suddenly had a glimmer of insight. The Sleeping Oracle! I would consult the Sleeping Oracle! And I must hurry before he transformed into his pig guise, after which I would not be able to awaken him for a hundred years!
“Sleeping Oracle, hear my plea! Do not transform into a pig yet! I, the heroine of this story, who is tasked with delivering a cheesecake to Aza, have encountered the “Crack-en”! What should I do?” The Sleeping Oracle was already in a horizontal position, and starting to snort. Persistently, I sounded my call for help…once, twice, thrice. Finally, he opened a reluctant eye. “Aiyo. Just give Aza the cake with the “Crack-en” lor…. It is home made after all…” “No Sleeping Oracle, I am the heroine. I must DEFEAT the “Crack-en” and make everything all right!” “Aiya. Then, think what you can put on top lor… some icing or something”
My mind raced through the precious baking lore. Yes, yes, it just might work. “You may be right, Sleeping Oracle, maybe I can do something with some whipped cream… I remember the runes – there is something there with candied fruit too…. Yes, maybe I can do something similar” My heart filled with hope again. Snorts came in reply from the Sleeping Oracle – he had turned into a pig.
Quickly and deftly I labored. Soon, I had crystallized lemon slices, lemon syrup and whipped cream ready to do battle with the “Crack-en”. “Take that, you foul monster!” I flung the whipped cream into its ugly jaws.
Battle with the "Crack-en"
“I exorcise you, demon!” I twirled lemon syrup over its gaping lips. “Begone beast! Never show yourself here ever again!” I dealt the final blow, tossing candied lemon slices across its twisted face. And with that, the “Crack-en” was gone. I had defeated it.
The Final Blow
On the third and final day, Aza arrived in her shiny new chariot. “Yoo hoo! Where’s the cheesecake?” Silently, I handed over the cake, stored in its precious box. “There was a “Crack-en” but I defeated it”. Aza smiled prettily “Of course you did, you ARE the heroine after all!”. Off she zoomed to the party.
I had completed my task but there was still one final hurdle – did anyone at the party notice the “Crack-en”? Did it rear its head again? Did the cheesecake still taste good after the “Crack-en” attack? The next day, the goddess appeared in front of me as I was mulling over this. “”Crack-en”? What “Crack-en”? Everyone LOVED the cake! Now, what flavor should I get next?....”
It's been a while since I posted an entry. Blame it on the horrendous Streamyx connection which basically died after the massive thunderstorms last week. It has not been resuscitated yet by the equally horrendous Streamyx Customer Service team. Anyway, it has now been 3 months since I started this blog. Which started out with grand visions of me finding the perfect cocktail that will make up my life. So, it's time for a pitstop to see where I am and to refuel for the next leg....
How am I doing in terms of purpose? Hmmmm..... apart from my constant goal of trying to win a gazillion bucks from Magnum 4D or Big Sweep, it has been slow moving in this department. Guess this will be a tough nut to crack. I could choose to live out the remaining half of my life keeping occupied with work and the little pleasures my hobbies give me ... but I am not giving up just yet that somewhere round the bend, I will find "IT"... the "IT" that will make everything seem worthwhile.
And what about passion and pleasure? I think I am faring a little better here. I am still having flashes of me playing the er-hu to an adoring audience. I'm still actively baking and cooking, still learning and enjoying the process. I am also still trying to keep fit and strong enough to run more races. And I am still definitely keeping my eyes and ears out for travel opportunities. It occurs to me that a lot of the activities I am immersing myself in now are more physical in nature compared to the brain sapping tasks of my I.T. job. Perhaps this is an indication of what kind of work I should get into instead?
In summary, for Pitstop Q1 2010....I still have a long way to go in the quest but I'm glad I am able to enjoy such a good mix of everything for now. I just need to keep an open mind and be willing to experiment. It's only a matter of time. Onwards to the next leg!